Monday, February 13, 2012

ten minutes later

This is my attempt to abandon all responsibility and do what is most important... relax and do more interesting things until I have to drive to the salty city for a night shift at the burn unit, which is another thing that has happened since my last post before the last which was like a year ago.  I am in my last semester of the nursing program at BYU, otherwise known as capstone.  I have to get lots of hours at the hospital, do a ginormous project and paper all while still completing the petty little assignments they are STILL giving us as we are almost college graduates.  So I have both progressed and regressed a little this semester.  The burn unit is incredible.  Even though I am working nights, I have already seen so many incredible miracles and a LOT of learning, which I love.  I just can't wait to graduate and feel a little more independent as a nurse.  I am also working for an elderly couple doing home healthcare and I love that as well.  I have been with them since last August and it has been such a blessing.  Jordan and I have already had so many crazy adventures since being married, but our dating times were just as, if not more crazy, so nothing new.  There is so much I could update on, but it is a little bit daunting to me to write about the last several thing at a time. 

Let's just talk about our housing situation: after we were married we lived in a super cheap apartment for the summer, which was awesome but the contract was only for summer, so we had to find another place to live.  And so we found a basement on Center Street and we loved it!  It had so much space and was nice and open and nice carpet and cool new features as well as old.  But lo and behold the basement was not the house we would end up staying in for the next couple years until grad school for Jordan.  NO.  Our neighbors above us were really mean and loud and disrespectful and it seemed their favorite past-time was to drag and push furniture all over the house and hammer things on the wall. at THREE IN THE MORNING.  really. they did this all the time. and I have to get up early, so you can see the way things were working out here.  Yes our neighbors were terrible, but this would never break Jordan and Sara, no we wouldn't pick up everything and move because of this, no way.  After coming back from Christmas vacation, we started noticing an eery blackness that was appearing on everything and anything plastic.  One day I just stopped and stood in the doorway and realized our walls were completely black.  After that I noticed it everywhere.  Whatever it was, we knew we were breathing it in as we would blow our noses each morning to  And other symptoms followed.  We are getting it tested for black.  Long story short, we finally decided to move.  We looked at a house and the next day we packed it up and moved everything, and unpacked in....THREE DAYS.  Be impressed.  I was.  So here are pictures of the old, and pictures of the new.  That's enough of a story for today.



you could say that we are much happier :)

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